ReapChain REAP 价格:

$0.000046 (-1.75%)
ETH 0.00000001 (+2.36%)
BTC 0.00000000 (+1.37%)
¥0.000331 24h Range ¥0.000340

ReapChain (REAP) Metrics

市值 排名 1887
$63,854.00 BTC 1.000000
¥0.582757 13 Apr 23 % to ATH (174,290.42%)
成交量(24H) 排名 6834
$302.18 BTC 0.003157
1,395,000,000 总:2,200,000,000

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About ReapChain

ReapChain aims to establish a safe and transparent ecosystem of the blockchain industry for all the DApp (Decentralized Application) service providers by providing a usable blockchain.
ReapChain is a hybrid blockchain with a Shell-Core Structure. It solves the trilemma of existing blockchains and tries to implement the integration of blockchain and IoT industry by resolving the security and mass data processing problems of the existing IoT market through PID of things and distributed storage service of ReapMiddleChain."
"In the IoT industry, issues regarding security, authentication, and safety have been solved by relying on intermediaries. However, this centralized method has several side effects in terms of cost, security and reliability.

ReapChain offers a new hybrid blockchain that can solve trillemma of the existing blockchains “scalability, security, and decentralization” through a unique consensus algorithm and ReapMiddleChain, and enable the distributed processing of a large amount of data generated from the IoT industry.

In addition, ReapChain plans to improve existing IoT system by preventing data forgery and authenticating each device based on PID of things. Core competency of ReapChain’s technologies serves to establish ReapChain BaaS. And IoT specific platform with enhanced transparency and security is built utilizing ReapChain technologies to provide a secure and transparent blockchain ecosystem.

To establish a new hybrid blockchain with Shell-Core structure
unique to ReapChain that solves the trilemma of existing blockchains.
・ To develop a double-layered chain structure that connects with various main net protocols.
・ To create a real-time data processing algorithm for DApp through the pre-confirm process.
・ To create a decentralized algorithm through the PoDC consensus structure.

To establish a multi-layered chain tailored to the characteristics of each industry through ReapMiddlechain.
・ To establish a blockchain by blockchainifying the end-to-end section through the middle chain that is unique to the IoT industry: ReapChain BaaS
・ To establish a development environment, Reap SDK, that enables non-professionals of blockchain to develop as well.

ReapChain is creating a new IoT Blockchain world with technology that has both complete security and transparency.

ReapChain [REAP] 是一 代币基于 Ethereum 区块链. 最准确的价格 ReapChain [REAP] is ¥0.000334. ReapChain 展示在1个交易所,共有1个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [REAP] 是 ¥2 205.43, 同时 ReapChain 市值为 ¥466 026 让它排名#1887 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于ReapChain [REAP]的信息,就在


# 交易 成交量(24H) 价格 成交量(%) 类别 费用类型 更新
1 $302.18$0.000046100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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ReapChain Basics

白皮书ReapChain Whitepaper打开
硬件钱包 Yes
已开始 22 July 2020
over 4 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11650)

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