...also by smart contract now
About Us

CoinPaprika research platform was founded in April 2018. Our mission is to provide the most accurate data in the industry for the widest range of crypto assets traded on centralized and decentralized exchanges.

Our goal for the coming years is to exploit as many technologies as possible to give the clearest picture of what's happening in the markets. We will do that by excluding or separating fake market data. So far two million users have already benefited from CoinPaprika’s platform.

Our socials: Facebook , Twitter and Telegram

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Independent means unbiased

We do not rely on our competitors data. Every day we gather enourmous amount of data directly from exchanges that is later being delivered on our platform or via our free, professional API.

Doing one step further

COINS by CoinPaprika will be your One App for Crypto. Storing, Discovering and Investing into new Cryptocurrencies never been easier. Beta Access in October 2019.

Everything you do with crypto in one mobile app:
  • Store all coins in one wallet
  • Manage your portfolio
  • Buy coins directly from the app
  • Discover and learn about new coins
Market Metrics

All metrics from coinpaprika.com in one simple and native interface

The most inspiring daily news

Keep up with what’s happening on the market

24h Gainers and Losers

Be surprised by the market everyday

More about COINS
Everything you do with crypto in one mobile app:
  • Store all coins in one wallet
  • Manage your portfolio
  • Buy coins directly from the app
  • Discover and learn about new coins
More about COINS
Market Metrics

All metrics from coinpaprika.com in one simple and native interface

The most inspiring daily news

Keep up with what’s happening on the market

24h Gainers and Losers

Be surprised by the market everyday

Media Kit

Our Media Pack contains everything you need to use our brand or share our mission in crypto (and beyond) world.

Text informations and our logo images in .png .jpg .svg in full color and monochrome options.

Feel free to download our Media Pack [260KB .zip] or contact with us by this contact form .
