Anchor is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. The Anchor rate is powered by a diversified stream of staking rewards from major proof-of-stake blockchains, and therefore can be expected to be much more stable than money market interest rates. We believe that a stable, reliable source of yield in Anchor has the opportunity to become the reference interest rate in crypto.
Anchor Protocol [ANC] 是一 代币基于 Ethereum 区块链. 最准确的价格 Anchor Protocol [ANC] is ¥0.044596. Anchor Protocol 展示在2个交易所,共有2个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [ANC] 是 ¥410 637, 同时 Anchor Protocol 市值为 ¥15 625 594 让它排名#1243 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于Anchor Protocol [ANC]的信息,就在
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(20 hours ago), 3 min read
(1 day ago), 2 min read
(2 days ago), 2 min read
开发状态 | Working product |
组织架构 | Semi-centralized |
共识机制 | Not mineable |
算法 | None |
硬件钱包 | Yes |
已开始 |
31 March 2022
over 2 years ago |
网站 | |
Wallet | Coins Mobile App |
Asset type | Token |
Contract Address |
Explorers (1) | |
标签 |
#1244r/FortNiteBR Bricks
#1246Big Data Protocol
#1248jeo boden