Hedget HGET fiyat:

$0.099740 (-0.29%)
ETH 0.000026 (+3.79%)
BTC 0.00000095 (+0.76%)
3,49 ₺ 24h Range 3,50 ₺

Hedget (HGET) Metrics

Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 1916
$174,689.00 BTC 2.00
En Yüksek Zaman
96,98 ₺ 19 Dec 23 % to ATH (2,677.09%)
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 2281
$141,000.35 BTC 1.34
Dolaşımdaki Adet
1,751,448 Toplam:1,751,448

Hedget Canlı fiyat listesi

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About Hedget

The future economy is built on cryptocurrencies, but they are very volatile and at the moment risky investments. Hedget introduces decentralized options – you pay the smallest possible premium to secure your positions against unexpected price movements.

Hedget [HGET] idir üzerine jeton Ethereum, Solana blokzincir. Biri için en gerçek fiyat Hedget [HGET] is 3,49 ₺. Hedget 4 borsada 7 aktif işlem çifti ile listelenmiş. 24sa hacim [HGET] dir 4 936 619 ₺, bu arada Hedget market değeri 6 116 105 ₺ hangi sırada #1916 bütün kripto paraların Hedget [HGET] hakkında daha fazla bilgi bulabilirsiniz hedget.com

HGET Pazarlar

# Market çift hacim (24 saat) fiyat hacim (yüzde) Kategori Masraf Tipi güncellenmiş
1 $5.88$0.0900540.004000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $6 698.39$0.0934154.750000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $134 147.39$0.10006095.140000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $148.69$0.0955840.110000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $0.00000000$0.2350420.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Hedget Basics

Beyaz kağıtHedget WhitepaperA
algoritma ERC20
Donanım Cüzdanı Yes
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (2)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11580)
  • Solana (SOL) Token (4229)
  • Derivative (56)
  • Decentralized Exchange (DEX) (152)
  • DeFi (329)

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