CheckDot CDT price:

$0.240998 (-5.93%)
ETH 0.000065 (-1.68%)
BTC 0.00000238 (-1.60%)
$0.240680 24h Range $0.261509

Other coins worth interest - similar to CheckDot

# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
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Chainlink 7d price chart+7.04%
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Shiba Inu 7d price chart-14.84%
16 Toncoin Toncoin TON $14 015 258 559 $5.50 $397 255 933 2,546,300,743
Toncoin 7d price chart-13.35%
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Uniswap 7d price chart-11.92%
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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
13 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $16 148 161 030 $25.76 $1 716 287 744 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart+7.04%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 609 218 129 $101 008 $839 888 864 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.01%
17 WETH WETH WETH $13 907 432 765 $3 692.99 $2 315 906 566 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-3.80%
33 Usds Usds USDS $5 272 741 999 $1.000370 $12 726 688 5,270,792,507
Usds 7d price chart+0.55%
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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
3 Tether Tether USDT $140 550 202 052 $0.999590 $170 842 677 379 140,607,916,019
Tether 7d price chart-0.07%
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
13 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $16 148 161 030 $25.76 $1 716 287 744 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart+7.04%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 609 218 129 $101 008 $839 888 864 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.01%
17 WETH WETH WETH $13 907 432 765 $3 692.99 $2 315 906 566 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-3.80%
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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
3 Tether Tether USDT $140 550 202 052 $0.999590 $170 842 677 379 140,607,916,019
Tether 7d price chart-0.07%
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
13 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $16 148 161 030 $25.76 $1 716 287 744 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart+7.04%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 609 218 129 $101 008 $839 888 864 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.01%
17 WETH WETH WETH $13 907 432 765 $3 692.99 $2 315 906 566 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-3.80%
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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
3 Tether Tether USDT $140 550 202 052 $0.999590 $170 842 677 379 140,607,916,019
Tether 7d price chart-0.07%
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 609 218 129 $101 008 $839 888 864 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.01%
17 WETH WETH WETH $13 907 432 765 $3 692.99 $2 315 906 566 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-3.80%
23 Uniswap Uniswap UNI $9 045 164 510 $15.06 $741 966 300 600,425,074
Uniswap 7d price chart-11.92%
# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
3 Tether Tether USDT $140 550 202 052 $0.999590 $170 842 677 379 140,607,916,019
Tether 7d price chart-0.07%
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 387 292 076 $1.000403 $18 843 579 122 42,370,232,572
USDC 7d price chart+0.09%
10 Lido Staked Ether Lido Staked Ether STETH $36 178 703 023 $3 693.82 $138 254 184 9,794,399
Lido Staked Ether 7d price chart-3.74%
13 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $16 148 161 030 $25.76 $1 716 287 744 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart+7.04%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 609 218 129 $101 008 $839 888 864 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.01%