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The reason you need W-ETH is to be able to trade ETH for other ERC20 tokens on decentralized platforms like Radar Relay. Because decentralized platforms running on Ethereum use smart contracts to facilitate trades directly between users, every user needs to have the same standardized format for every token they trade. This ensures tokens don’t get lost in translation.

WETH [WETH] is a token based on Ethereum, Fantom, Polygon, Harmony, Avalanche, Solana, Ronin Token, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base blockchain. The most actual ...

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Market Cap Rank 14
All Time High
$12 186 894 430 182 519.00 BTC
$4 858.35 10 Nov 21 % to ATH (50.13%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h) Rank 11
3 765 896 Total: 3 765 896
$1 416 642 704 21 216.61 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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