Qortal QORT 价格:

$0.111974 (-39.96%)
ETH 0.000034 (-35.90%)
BTC 0.00000117 (-38.23%)
¥0.815778 24h Range ¥1.36

Qortal (QORT) Metrics

市值 排名 2058
$680,954.00 BTC 7.00
¥9.90 12 Jun 23 % to ATH (1,111.98%)
成交量(24H) 排名 8515
$31.67 BTC 0.000330
6,081,367 总:6,081,371

Qortal 实时价格走势


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About Qortal

Qortal is much more than just another coin coming. Qortal is an INFRASTRUCTURE with a focus on true decentralization (P2P).
Qortal aims to provide truly decentralized blockchain features with a codebase written from scratch which will support a
scalable infrastructure for a variety of revolutionary new concepts including:
- Website, blog, social media, and encrypted communication hosting
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) trade portal/truly decentralized exchange (DEX)
- Local wallets that eliminate the need for a centralized service
- State-of-the-art security and greater efficiency with data storage/usage
- Infrastructure for virtually any public or private application to be built securely
- A ‘minting’ distribution system to provide fair block rewards to everyone involved
- A voting system to make true decentralization possible and manageable
- A leveling system to credit user influence based on individual contribution
- A feature to create tokens for other projects which can be built on the chain
- Supporting hardware to provide router, node, wallet, and other blockchain solutions
- Mesh networking and satellite technology to provide decentralized service connections

Qortal [QORT] 是一 加密货币有自己的区块链.最准确的价格 Qortal [QORT] is ¥0.817006. Qortal 展示在1个交易所,共有1个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [QORT] 是 ¥231.05, 同时 Qortal 市值为 ¥4 968 513 让它排名#2058 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于Qortal [QORT]的信息,就在 qortal.org


# 交易 成交量(24H) 价格 成交量(%) 类别 费用类型 更新
1 $31.65$0.111917100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Qortal Basics

开发状态 Working product
共识机制 Time Proof
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)

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