Hemis HMS 价格:

$0.080657 (+1.81%)
ETH 0.000023 (+3.26%)
BTC 0.00000085 (+2.02%)
¥0.575183 24h Range ¥0.595576

Hemis (HMS) Metrics

市值 排名 6788
no data
¥3.03 09 May 24 % to ATH (415.87%)
成交量(24H) 排名 6047
$964.19 BTC 0.010118
no data 总:2,549,175 最大: 31,092,000

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About Hemis

Hemis is a layer one blockchain with native support for games of chance without the need for complicated smart contracts. The Hemis project aims to provide a suite of simple tools with low barriers to entry to allow people to create decentralised and monetised card and board games.

Hemis will achieve this by using its bespoke consensus mechanism and a unique feature known as PTX (Probabilistic Transactions) that allows dice rolls and other game activities to be settled in a fully decentralised and provably fair way.

Token holders have the option to operate a Gamemaster, which is a staking node that brokers dice rolls and other chance based game moves in return for a portion of transaction fees and block reward.

Hemis is a community project, founded by crypto developer veterans and gaming enthusiasts, and managed by a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation).

Premine: 1 892 000 HMS

Hemis [HMS] 是一 加密货币有自己的区块链.最准确的价格 Hemis [HMS] is ¥0.587687. Hemis 展示在1个交易所,共有2个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [HMS] 是 ¥7 025.25, 同时 Hemis 市值为 ¥0 让它排名#6788 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于Hemis [HMS]的信息,就在 hemis.tech

HMS 市场

# 交易 成交量(24H) 价格 成交量(%) 类别 费用类型 更新
1 $786.75$0.08057381.610000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $177.33$0.08098318.390000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Hemis Basics

白皮书Hemis Whitepaper打开
开发状态 Working product
共识机制 Proof of Stake
算法 Quark
  • Cryptocurrency (1169)
  • Proof Of Stake (910)
  • Quark (60)
  • Premine (538)

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