Everscale EVER 价格:

$0.021514 (-1.15%)
ETH 0.00000557 (+2.60%)
BTC 0.00000021 (+1.61%)
¥0.156467 24h Range ¥0.160276

Everscale (EVER) Metrics

市值 排名 624
$38,815,795.00 BTC 370.00
¥2.80 21 Apr 22 % to ATH (1,689.16%)
成交量(24H) 排名 2205
$154,315.75 BTC 1.47
1,804,248,900 总:2,092,162,406

Everscale 实时价格走势


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About Everscale

Everscale is a decentralized global blockchain network launched on top of Ever OS on May 7, 2020. On November 10, 2021 by the decision of its community it was renamed to Everscale from Free TON. Everscale is a new and unique blockchain design that proposes a scalable decentralized world computer, paired with a distributed operating system — Ever OS.

Ever OS is capable of processing millions of transactions per second, with Turing-complete smart contracts and decentralized user interfaces.

Everscale presents some new and unique properties, such as dynamic multithreading, soft majority consensus and distributed programming, which enable it to be scalable, fast and secure at the same time. It is governed by a decentralized community founded upon meritocratic principles via Soft Majority Voting protocol.

Everscale has powerful developer tools, such as compilers for Solidity and C++, API, SDK that includes client libraries for 13 programming languages and all popular platforms, local node for DApp testing, CLI tools and a range of decentralized browsers and wallets empowering many applications in DeFi, NFT, tokenization and governance domains.

Everscale [EVER] 是一 加密货币有自己的区块链.最准确的价格 Everscale [EVER] is ¥0.156737. Everscale 展示在8个交易所,共有17个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [EVER] 是 ¥1 124 267, 同时 Everscale 市值为 ¥282 792 472 让它排名#624 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于Everscale [EVER]的信息,就在 everscale.network tonswap.io


# 交易 成交量(24H) 价格 成交量(%) 类别 费用类型 更新
1 $54 190.63$0.02140135.120000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $2 286.94$0.0216241.480000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $1 621.69$0.0214991.050000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $11 443.64$0.0214877.420000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $53 276.94$0.02165934.520000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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