Galactic Quadrant GQ cena:

$0.000409 (+6.33%)
ETH 0.00000011 (+11.31%)
BTC 0.00000000 (+9.28%)
0,001524 zł 24h Range 0,001854 zł

Galactic Quadrant (GQ) Metrics

Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 1323
$2,428,995.00 BTC 23.00
All Time High
732,37 zł 29 Jun 23 % to ATH (43,692,355.66%)
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 1306
$635,031.21 BTC 6.11
Dostępne zasoby
5,933,475,330 Total:6,010,333,038 Max: 10,000,000,000

Galactic Quadrant Wykres ceny

Wykres ceny

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About Galactic Quadrant

What is Galactic Quadrant?
Galactic Quadrant is a token that serves as the fuel for the video game economical ecosystem of titles developed by Maniac Panda Games. These titles include Outer Ring MMO, Racerloop, and Underground Waifus.

In addition to these games, GQ aims to extend its integration beyond these titles and into various third-party games based on concepts like play-to-earn (P2E), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), metaverses, and GameFi.

Galactic Quadrant [GQ] jest token bazuje na Binance Coin blockchain. Najbardziej aktualna cena dla Galactic Quadrant [GQ] is 0,001665 zł. Galactic Quadrant jest notowany na 6 giełdach z sumą aktywnych rynków 11. Wolumen z 24h [GQ] jest 2 582 448 zł, podczas gdy Galactic Quadrant kapitalizacja jest 9 877 868 zł co klasyfikuje to jako #1323 z wszystkich kryptowalut. Możesz znaleźć więcej informacji na temat Galactic Quadrant [GQ] na

GQ Markety

# Giełda Para Wolumen (24h) Cena Wolumen (%) Kategoria Rodzaj opłaty Zaktualizowane
1 $4 906.65$0.0004020.770000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $577 941.23$0.00041091.010000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $30 410.01$0.0003954.790000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $21 566.70$0.0004093.400000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $203.45$0.0003990.030000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Galactic Quadrant Basics

Portfel sprzętowy Yes
Adres strony
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Binance Coin (BNB) Token (BEP-20) (12873)
  • Gaming (505)
  • NFT Token (399)
  • Metaverse (137)

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