V Systems VSYS fiyat:

$0.000680 (-4.98%)
ETH 0.00000018 (-1.19%)
BTC 0.00000001 (-3.99%)
0,023517 ₺ 24h Range 0,025232 ₺

V Systems (VSYS) Metrics

Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 1356
$2,223,638.00 BTC 21.00
En Yüksek Zaman
9,73 ₺ 29 Jul 19 % to ATH (40,751.51%)
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 1459
$494,473.41 BTC 4.69
Dolaşımdaki Adet
3,268,176,248 Toplam:5,286,784,661

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About V Systems

V SYSTEMS (also known as VSYS) is a blockchain database cloud project that aims to create a brand new digital economy era. The project will deliver the world's first object-oriented general purpose distributed database, which is empowered to carry complex decentralized applications.

V Systems [VSYS] idir kendi blokzinciri olan kripto para.Biri için en gerçek fiyat V Systems [VSYS] is 0,023821 ₺. V Systems 7 borsada 11 aktif işlem çifti ile listelenmiş. 24sa hacim [VSYS] dir 17 312 203 ₺, bu arada V Systems market değeri 77 852 667 ₺ hangi sırada #1356 bütün kripto paraların V Systems [VSYS] hakkında daha fazla bilgi bulabilirsiniz v.systems

VSYS Pazarlar

# Market çift hacim (24 saat) fiyat hacim (yüzde) Kategori Masraf Tipi güncellenmiş
1 $7 628.11$0.0006831.540000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $209 390.71$0.00068342.370000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $73 692.57$0.00068414.910000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $66 030.73$0.00069113.360000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
5 $29 485.06$0.0006225.970000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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V Systems Basics

Beyaz kağıtV Systems WhitepaperA
Geliştirme statüsü On-going development
Organizasyon yapısı Unknown
açık kaynakYes
Konsensus Mekanizması Supernode Proof-of-Stake
algoritma SPoS
Kaynak kod
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (1)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Smart Contracts (508)
  • Token Issuance (55)

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