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Skey Network

Skey Network
SKEYSıralama 627

1,140573 ₺   (-20.31%)
0.00000055 BTC (-19.49%)
0.000011 ETH (-19.69%)
1 saat -0.77 %
24 saat -20.31%
Hafta -25.37%
Ay -47.9%
Yıldızlar +154.29%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

Skey is the world’s first platform to successfully bridge decentralized finance (DeFi) and IoT, and will create the platform for a new economy of physical assets called the ‘Blockchain of Things’ (BoT). Our decentralized network of blockchain oracles connects the on-chain world of digital assets, smart contracts, and DeFi with off-chain data, services, and devices.

The non-fungibility (i.e. uniqueness) property of Skey NFTs is also a game-changer when applied to IoT. Using a SmartKey NFT, every smart object in a network ...

Asset Type token
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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 627
En Yüksek Zaman
1 140 573 090 ₺ 550.00 BTC
17,95 ₺ 19 Mar 21 % to ATH (1 473.54%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 1661
1 000 000 000 Toplam: 927 296 699
8 152 225 ₺ 3,93 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
  • Genel bakış
  • Borsalar / Pazarlar 5
  • Portföy
  • Benzer dijital paralar
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