Uniswap V3
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Uniswap V3


Uniswap is a decentralised cryptocurrency exchange (also known as a decentralised exchange) that facilitates automated transactions between cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain through the use of smart contracts. As of October 2020, Uniswap is estimated to be the largest decentralised exchange and the fourth largest cryptocurrency exchanger overall by daily trading volume. As of March 2021, Uniswap was generating fees of approximately US $2-3 million daily for liquidity providers that facilitate liquid markets for cryptocurrencies to be exchanged. Uniswap was created on 2 November 2018 ...

Hacim değişimi
Toplam Hacim 26 988 177 542 ₺
12 992,82 BTC
Hesaplanan Gerçek Hacim
Regüle olmuş No
Tip Merkeziyetsiz Borsa
Website statüsüSon kontrol 8 minutes ago
API StatüsüSon kontrol 8 minutes ago
Güvenlik Koruması
ddos shield

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Arama kriterlerine uyan sonuç yok
* fiyat/hacim hariç tutulan -aykırılık tespiti
*** Borsa API'sinden yeni gelen datalar dahil olmayan hacim