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NKNSıralama 412

4,00 ₺   (-0.27%)
0.00000195 BTC (+0.67%)
0.000038 ETH (-3.71%)
1 saat +0.04 %
24 saat -0.27%
Hafta -6.5%
Ay -22.92%
Yıldızlar +9.59%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

NKN (New Kind of Network) is a new project aiming to rebuild the Internet that will be truly open, decentralized, dynamic, safe, shared and owned by the community. NKN intend to introduce Cellular Automata to innovate on several major layers in the entire stack. First of all, the project will address the network decentralization in a broad sense, starting from application connectivity, to networking protocol. Secondly, the project intend to improve the underlying blockchain technology to achieve efficient and fair ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
MCap'ten Benzer Madeni ParalarBancorBancorOMG NetworkOMG NetworkCANTOCANTORadworksRadworksGrok (ETH)Grok (ETH)
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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 412
En Yüksek Zaman
3 022 565 395 ₺ 1 470.00 BTC
47,88 ₺ 09 Apr 21 % to ATH (1 095.61%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 382
754 831 362 Toplam: 754 831 362
227 688 508 ₺ 110,72 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
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  • Borsalar / Pazarlar 26
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