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0.000014 ₽   (+2.06%)
0.00000000 BTC (-2.15%)
0.00000000 ETH (-1.9%)
-0.08 %
24 часа +2.06%
Неделя +3.67%
месяц -22.38%
Год +15.22%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


The FREE COIN has 1 long term objective : after the mass adoption (nearly for free) it will become the most spread cryptocurrency in the world. People will trust it because of the hands-on experience they have with the FREE COIN. People will start using the FREE COIN as store of value. As the trust in the coin grows, the price will rise. It will become a very profitable investment for the holders. And finally it will FREE all of ...

Asset Type token
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Подобные монеты от MCapSantiment Network TokenSantiment Network TokenGaj FinanceGaj FinanceNanoByte TokenNanoByte Token
Coins Compare

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Рыночная капитализация Ранг 1323
Пик цены
144 021 183 ₽ 27.00 BTC
0.006286 ₽ 06 Jul 19 % to ATH (43 281.10%)
Циркулирующее предложение
Объем (24 ч) Ранг 967
9 938 989 997 635 Общее количество: 10 998 999 997 635
68 180 798 ₽ 12.55 BTC
Объём/Рыночная капитализация (за 24 часа)
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