HitBTC is the world’s most advanced cryptocurrency exchange. Created by outstanding technical minds, high-level finance professionals and experienced traders, HitBTC is delivering the most reliable, fast and powerful platform solution on the market. The platform has earned its reputation for fault-tolerance, flawless uptime and high availability. Its core matching engine is among the best technological products in its class, offering traders a wide range of features such as real-time clearing and cutting-edge order matching algorithms. Для HitBTC зарегистрирован 24-часовой объем 11 869 294 085 ₽ ... с расчетным реальным объемом 11 854 742 330 ₽. Это a centralized exchange , предлагающее валюты 471 и имеющее показатель достоверности 74.91%, основанный на наших алгоритмах.
Market depth is a metric, which is showing the real liquidity of the markets. Due to rampant wash-trading and fake activity - volume currently isn't the most reliable indicator in the crypto space.
What is it measuring?
It's measuring 1% or 10% section of the order book from the midpoint price (1%/10% of the buy orders, and 1%/10% of the sell orders).
Why it is important to use only 1% or 10%?
It's important, because measurement of the whole order book is going to give false results due to extreme values, which can make false illusion of liquidity for a given market.
How to use it?
By default Market depth is showing the most liquid markets sorted by Combined Orders (which is a sum of buy and sell orders). This way it provides the most interesting information already. Left (green) side of the market depth bar is showing how many buy orders are open, and right (red) side of the bar is showing how many sell orders are open (both can be recalculated to BTC, ETH or any fiat we have available on the site).
Due to rampant malicious practices in the crypto exchanges environment, we have introduced in 2019 and 2020 new ways of evaluating exchanges and one of them is - Confidence. Because it's a new metric - it's essential to know how it works.
Confidence is weighted based on 3 principles:
Based on the liquidity from order books (75%) - including overall liquidity and market depth/volume ratio, volumes included, if exchange is low volume (below 2M USD volume 24h)
Based on web traffic (20%) - using Alexa rank as a main indicator of site popularity
Based on regulation (5%) - researching and evaluating licensing for exchange - by respective institutions
Adding all of these subscores give overall main result - Confidence
Confidence is mainly based on liquidity, because it's the most important aspect of cryptocurrency exchanges. Without liquidity there is no trading, illiquid markets tend to collapse in the long term. Besides liquidity - there is also an additional factor in calculation of score - market depth/volume ratio. If volume is huge (especially when it’s growing much faster than liquidity), and market depth seems to not keep pace with - it's reducing overall score. Exchanges that keep market makers liquidity with expanding volume are those that keep all ratios in-tact and have overall score above 75-80% (it means that they have all liquidity ratios above minimum requirements, high web traffic participation, and are often regulated).
Ни один элемент не соответствует указанным критериям поиска.
* Цена/объем исключены - обнаружено резко отличающееся значение
*** Объём исключён - нет свежих данных от API биржи
Уровень доверия это наша новая формула, которая оценивает криптовалютные биржи по трём принципиальным критериям:
Уровень доверия
Каждый из них имеет соответствующий вес, который рассчитываются в надлежащий балл.
Ликвидность (на основе Монета/Объём) на этом рынке хорошая, и объем, кажется, представлен точно.
Ликвидность (на основе Монета/Объём) на этом рынке усреднённая, заявленный биржей объем может быть выше, чем он есть на самом деле.
Ликвидность (на основе Монета/Объём) на этом рынке плохая, высока вероятность того, что объем завышен (например, фиктивная торговля) или рынок недостаточно ликвиден (биржа с низким объёмом).
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Нет доступных данных по этому рынку.