Hedget HGET precio:

$0.099919 (-0.01%)
ETH 0.000030 (+5.63%)
BTC 0.00000104 (+2.19%)
0,095741 € 24h Range 0,095984 €

Hedget (HGET) Metrics

Capitalización de mercado Posición 1851
$175,003.00 BTC 2.00
Máximo histórico
2,66 € 19 Dec 23 % to ATH (2,672.11%)
Volumen (24h) Posición 2230
$132,504.35 BTC 1.38
Monedas en circulación
1,751,448 Total:1,751,448

Hedget Gráfico de precio en directo

Gráfico de precio

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About Hedget

The future economy is built on cryptocurrencies, but they are very volatile and at the moment risky investments. Hedget introduces decentralized options – you pay the smallest possible premium to secure your positions against unexpected price movements.

Hedget [HGET] es una token basado en Ethereum, Solana blockchain. El precio actual de un Hedget [HGET] is 0,095800 €. Hedget se lista en 3 exchanges con un total de 8 mercados activos. El volumen en 24h de [HGET] es 127 042 €, mientras la capitalización de mercado de Hedget de 167 788 € que la coloca en la posición #1851 entre todas las criptomonedas. Puedes encontrar más información sobre Hedget [HGET] en hedget.com

HGET Mercados

# Exchange Par Volumen (24h) Precio Volumen (%) Tipo Tipo de comisión Actualizado
1 $601.43$0.0793950.450000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $131 683.57$0.10003299.340000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $279.37$0.0883430.210000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $0.00000000$0.2349750.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
5 $0.00000000$0.0963510.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Hedget Basics

Libro blancoHedget WhitepaperApertura
Algoritmo ERC20
Billetera hardware Yes
sitio web
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (2)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11632)
  • Solana (SOL) Token (4351)
  • Derivative (56)
  • Decentralized Exchange (DEX) (152)
  • DeFi (333)

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

Get more info about Hedget Cryptocurrency
  • How to buy Hedget? How can I buy the Hedget coin? Hedget stock how to buy? How to get Hedget?

    To find out where you can buy currency Hedget see the list of available exchanges.

  • Where to trade Hedget?

    Click here to see the list of available exchanges for Hedget.

  • The future economy is built on cryptocurrencies, but they are very volatile and at the moment risky investments. Hedget introduces decentralized options – you pay the smallest possible premium to secure your positions against unexpected price movements.

  • Hedget is a token and it means it is a cryptocurrency, which based its activities on the blockchain of other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum Blockchain or EOS Blockchain. Examples of Tokens: Chainlink, OmiseGo, 0x.

  • What is the value of Hedget coin?

    1 Hedget is worth $0.099903.

  • To get price and historical data for Hedget coin, use API ID: hget-hedget for endpoints at http://api.coinpaprika.com.

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