Celo Euro CEUR Preis:

$1.051772 (+0.20%)
ETH 0.000272 (+3.94%)
BTC 0.000010 (+2.80%)
$1.039076 24h Range $1.061000

Celo Euro (CEUR) Metrics

Marktkapitalisierung Rang 1560
$4,788,699.00 BTC 46.00
$16.18 31 Oct 22 % to ATH (1,438.68%)
Volumen (24h) Rang 539
$6,515,608.75 BTC 62.47
Umlaufende Versorgung
4,552,983 Total:4,552,983

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About Celo Euro

cEUR (Celo Euro) is a stable digital asset that tracks the Euro. With cEUR, users can transfer value faster, cheaper, and more easily on their smartphone. As with the Celo Dollar (cUSD), the Celo Euro is a decentralized algorithmic stable asset. Celo’s digital currencies cUSD and cEUR provide people all over the world with stable, secure, inexpensive, and easy ways to transfer value and engage in financial activities that were previously inaccessible to them. This is the first step toward increasing access to capital to the billions of people with even the most basic smartphones, many of which have historically been excluded from the traditional financial services ecosystem.

Celo Euro [CEUR] ist ein/eine Token basierend auf Celo blockchain. Der aktuellste Preis für einen Celo Euro [CEUR] is $1.051772. Celo Euro ist an den Exchanges von 3 mit einer Summe von 8 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [CEUR] ist $6 515 609, während die Celo Euro Markt Kapitalisierung ist $4 788 699 welches es als #1560 einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu Celo Euro [CEUR] finden Sie unter

CEUR Märkte

# Austausch Paar Volumen (24h) Preis Volumen (%) Kategorie Gebührentyp Aktualisier
1 $5 448 281.47$1.05180083.620000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $733 701.24$1.05166311.260000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $305 661.48$1.0516704.690000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $21 778.58$1.0508580.330000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $4 606.64$1.0451820.070000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Celo Euro Basics

Entwicklungsstatus Working product
Konsensmechanismus Not mineable
Algorithmus None
Gestartet 1 May 2021
over 3 years ago
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Stablecoin (98)
  • CELO Token (22)

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