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$0.001149   (+21.26%)
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XTRABYTES (XBY) is ought to be modular blockchain platform designed to provide significant increases in security, scalability and decentralization opportunities over current blockchain technologies.

XTRABYTES runs on old chain with an old code (Bitcoin-related), which isn't capable of achieving their team's claims.

XTRABYTES [XBY] is a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain.The most actual price for one XTRABYTES [XBY] is $0.001149. XTRABYTES is listed on 3 exchanges with a sum of 8 active markets. The 24h volume of [XBY] is $88.83, while the XTRABYTES market cap is $494 078 which ranks it as #2034 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about XTRABYTES [XBY] on

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Market Cap Rank 2034
All Time High
$494 078 8.00 BTC
$0.874779 03 Jan 18 % to ATH (76 032.68%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h) Rank 7893
430 000 000 (66.00%) Total: 650 000 000Max: 650 000 000
$88.83 0.001391 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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