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Luckycoin Liquidity

LKY Price $0.248976
24h Volume $45,530.45
Combined Orders $2,030.57
LKY Combined Order Book
Bids Asks
$1,170.69 $859.88
-51.10% 35.24%
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Read here how to use these data

What is Market depth?

Market depth is a metric, which is showing the real liquidity of the markets. Due to rampant wash-trading and fake activity - volume currently isn't the most reliable indicator in the crypto space.

What is it measuring?

It's measuring 1% or 10% section of the order book from the midpoint price (1%/10% of the buy orders, and 1%/10% of the sell orders).

Why it is important to use only 1% or 10%?

It's important, because measurement of the whole order book is going to give false results due to extreme values, which can make false illusion of liquidity for a given market.

What is showing Historical Market Depth?

Historical Market Depth is showing the history of liquidity from the markets for a given asset. It’s a measure of combined liquidity from all integrated markets on the coinpaprika’s market depth module.


Luckycoin Historical Market Depth (10%)

Luckycoin Historical Market Depth (10%):
Depth threshold:
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2No data to displayVolumeLiquidityBidsAsksCombined OrdersVolume (24h)Price