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Elastos is new blockchain which totally decentralized P2P economic infrastructure which authenticates digital rights, transfers contracts, and turns digital information into assets through blockchain technology.

Elastos [ELA] is a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain.The most actual price for one Elastos [ELA] is $3.39. Elastos is listed on 10 exchanges with a sum of 13 active markets. The 24h volume of [ELA] is $4 189 845, while the Elastos market cap is $72 745 554 which ranks it as #458 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about Elastos [ELA] on

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Market Cap Rank 458
All Time High
$72 745 554 1 131.00 BTC
$93.96 24 Feb 18 % to ATH (2 671.11%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h) Rank 565
21 454 571 Total: 25 199 180
$4 189 845 65.15 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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  • Exchanges / Markets 10
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