Etheera (ETA) Metrics

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¥10.05 13 Jan 19 % to ATH (26,314,166,543,496.65%)
7,185,740,244 总:9,919,303,956

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About Etheera

The Etheera project was established initially in 2017 by IZ Immobilien Kriens GmbH.

The IZ Real Estate Kriens GmbH is a Swiss-based company that is active in the real estate field since 2013. As industry insiders with very wide expertise, market knowledge and informative exchange with business partners, owners, landlords and potential buyers, we have recognized problems and suboptimal processes already at the national level
without imagining the same but much wider problems on international levels! With Etheera, we have found the ALL IN ONE solution.

Etheera offers the first decentralized global real estate platform, based on the Ethereum blockchain, which provides properties for purchasing, renting and bed & breakfast offers. This platform is ideal for everybody and everyone, even if you as a private person want to provide a room for one night or longer period of time, or whether you are looking anything else. Etheera also thinks about the real estate brokers and professionals of the industry and offers a complete software tool which has integrated possibilities and will match all needs.
Simply the ALL IN ONE solution for everyone!

Human technology is so advanced that we were surprised by what we noticed after research, analyses, tests and results from existing solutions offered by the market today. Companies are working mostly with solutions provided locally which seem to be very limited in their scope and cannot handle mandatory processes or in other words, multiple functions as an all in one solution. Daily business tasks are still carried out manually, but should be automated in order to avoid hand made mistakes and allow employees to focus on other processes so as to be more efficient during the same time period.

Etheera [ETA] 是一 无区块链的代币. 最准确的价格 Etheera [ETA] is ¥0. Etheera 展示在0个交易所,共有0个活跃市场。 24H交易量 [ETA] 是 ¥0, 同时 Etheera 市值为 ¥0 让它排名'no rank' 所有加密货币 您可以查看更多关于Etheera [ETA]的信息,就在

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Etheera Basics

开发状态 On-going development
组织架构 Centralized
共识机制 Not mineable
算法 None
硬件钱包 Yes
Asset typeToken
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11931)
  • Real Estate (27)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Get more info about Etheera Cryptocurrency
  • 如何购买 Etheera? 我怎样购买 Etheera coin? Etheera 股票如何购买? 如何获取 Etheera?

    To find out where you can buy currency Etheera see the list of available exchanges.

  • Etheera 在哪里交易?

    Click here to see the list of available exchanges for Etheera.

  • Etheera项目最初于2017年由IZ Immobilien Kriens GmbH建立。 IZ不动产Kriens GmbH是一家总部设在瑞士的公司,自2013年以来一直活跃在房地产领域。作为拥有非常广泛的专业知识、市场知识和与商业伙伴、业主、房东和潜在买家的信息交流的业内人士,我们已经在国家层面上认识到了问题和次优的流程 而没有想到在国际层面上也有同样的问题,但范围更广。通过Etheera,我们已经找到了一体化的解决方案。 Etheera提供了第一个基于以太坊区块链的去中心化的全球房地产平台,它提供了购买、出租和提供床和早餐的房产。这个平台是每个人和每个人的理想选择,即使你作为一个私人想要提供一个房间一晚或更长的时间,或者你是否正在寻找其他东西。Etheera还考虑到房地产经纪人和该行业的专业人士,并提供了一个完整的软件工具,它具有集成的可能性,将满足所有需求。 简而言之,这就是为每个人提供的ALL IN ONE解决方案! 人类的技术是如此的先进,以至于我们在研究、分析、测试和当今市场提供的现有解决方案的结果后,对我们所注意到的东西感到惊讶。公司大多使用当地提供的解决方案,这些解决方案的范围似乎非常有限,不能处理强制性的流程,或者换句话说,作为一个整体解决方案的多种功能。日常业务工作仍然是手工进行的,但应该自动化,以避免手工制造的错误,并允许员工专注于其他过程,以便在同一时间段内更有效率。

  • 挖矿 Etheera coin

    Etheera coin 采用 共识机制。您可以使用 None 算法进行铸造.

  • Etheera 是一种代币,这意味着它是一种加密货币,其活动基于其他加密货币的区块链,如以太坊区块链或 EOS 区块链。Token 示例:Chainlink,OmiseGo,0x.

  • Etheera coin 的价值是多少?

    1 Etheera 价值 $0.00000000.

  • 要获取 Etheera coin 的价格和历史数据,请使用 API ID:eta-etheera,端点位于
