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TRBRanking 323

221,84 zł   (+3.99%)
0.000857 BTC (+1.28%)
0.017931 ETH (+2.13%)
1h -0.29 %
24h +3.99%
Tydzień -14.33%
Miesiąc -40.31%
Rok +313.21%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Tellor is a decentralized Oracle for bringing high value off-chain data onto Ethereum. The system utilizes a network of staked miners that compete to solve a PoW challenge to submit the official value for requested data. To properly incentivize the network, Tellor mints a token called Tributes (TRB). They are to be used by miners to stake, they are used to reward miners, by users to request data, and token holders can vote on disputes of data validity.

Tellor [TRB] jest ...

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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 323
All Time High
569 274 116 zł 2 199.00 BTC
2 341,74 zł 31 Dec 23 % to ATH (955.58%)
Dostępne zasoby
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 148
2 566 110 Total: 2 620 163
172 132 915 zł 664,91 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
  • Przegląd
  • Giełdy / Markety 30
  • Portfolio
  • Podobne kryptowaluty
  • Płynność
  • Progres kodu
  • Widżet
  • Więcej...

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