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EXRRanking 2685

0,000007 zł   (-3.59%)
0.00000000 BTC (+0.1%)
0.00000000 ETH (-0.94%)
1h +0.26 %
24h -3.59%
Tydzień +4.57%
Miesiąc -24.7%
Rok -70.25%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


In the EXSERION project, we aim at the position of the cryptographic currency closely related to real life by drawing a line away from the cryptographic currencies many of which exist in encryption currency markets unknown.
In addition, we will aim to integrate cryptographic currencies in real life by preparing a system that can flexibly deal with market trends.
We will improve the value of the project itself as well as improve the value of the EXR token as an "always growing ...

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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 2685
All Time High
132 938 zł 1.000000 BTC
27,98 zł 25 Jul 21 % to ATH (378 816 153.52%)
Dostępne zasoby
Wolumen (24h) Ranking 11591
18 000 000 000 (60.00%) Total: 30 000 000 000Max: 30 000 000 000
0,070884 zł 0,000000 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
  • Przegląd
  • Giełdy / Markety 1
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