DigiByte DGB Preis:

$0.012634 (-9.80%)
ETH 0.00000340 (-4.56%)
BTC 0.00000012 (-5.34%)
$0.013002 24h Range $0.014237

DigiByte (DGB) Metrics

Marktkapitalisierung Rang 266
$220,174,907.00 BTC 2,168.00
$0.181200 01 May 21 % to ATH (1,277.01%)
Volumen (24h) Rang 554
$6,032,107.86 BTC 59.40
Umlaufende Versorgung
17,427,235,276 Total:17,427,225,437 Max: 21,000,000,000

DigiByte Preistabelle Live


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About DigiByte

DigiByte (DGB) is a cryptocurrency on a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain with a maximum supply of 21B by 2035. DigiBytes are indestructible, non-counterfeitable or hackable digital assets ideal for protecting objects of value (e.g. Currency, Information, property or important digital data). It is the first blockchain with SegWit, MultiAlgo mining, DigiShield and Odocrypt. Its blockchain has three layers (Application layer, Digital Asset/ Public Ledger Layer and Core Communication Protocol/ Global Network Layer).

DigiByte [DGB] ist ein/eine Kryptowährung mit eigener Blockchain.Der aktuellste Preis für einen DigiByte [DGB] is $0.012634. DigiByte ist an den Exchanges von 35 mit einer Summe von 114 aktiven Märkten notiert. Das 24h Volumen von [DGB] ist $6 032 108, während die DigiByte Markt Kapitalisierung ist $220 174 907 welches es als #266 einstuft aller Kryptowährungen. Weitere Informationen zu DigiByte [DGB] finden Sie unter dgbwiki.comdigibyte.io

DGB Märkte

# Austausch Paar Volumen (24h) Preis Volumen (%) Kategorie Gebührentyp Aktualisier
1 $2 097 948.75$0.01290534.370000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $506 775.13$0.0129358.300000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
3 $438 855.78$0.0129157.190000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $389 625.06$0.0131166.380000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $308 006.19$0.0130005.050000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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DigiByte Basics

Entwicklungsstatus Working product
Org. Struktur Decentralized
Open SourceYes
Konsensmechanismus Proof of Work
Algorithmus Multiple
Hardware-Wallet Yes
Gestartet 10 January 2014
over 10 years ago
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (4)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Payments (185)
  • Sha256 (93)
  • Scrypt (242)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Myraid-groestl (4)
  • Skein (6)
  • Privacy & Security (265)
  • Mining (576)

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Get more info about DigiByte Cryptocurrency
  • How to buy DigiByte? How can I buy the DigiByte coin? DigiByte stock how to buy? How to get DigiByte?

    To find out where you can buy currency DigiByte see the list of available exchanges.

  • Where to trade DigiByte?

    Click here to see the list of available exchanges for DigiByte.

  • DigiByte (DGB) is a cryptocurrency on a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain with a maximum supply of 21B by 2035. DigiBytes are indestructible, non-counterfeitable or hackable digital assets ideal for protecting objects of value (e.g. Currency, Information, property or important digital data). It is the first blockchain with SegWit, MultiAlgo mining, DigiShield and Odocrypt. Its blockchain has three layers (Application layer, Digital Asset/ Public Ledger Layer and Core Communication Protocol/ Global Network Layer).

  • Mining DigiByte coin

    DigiByte coin has a consensus mechanism: proof of work. You can mine these coins with the Multiple algorithm.

  • DigiByte is a coin and it means this is a cryptocurrency that has its own blockchain and works independently from other cryptocurrencies. Examples of Coins: Bitcoin, Stellar, Litecoin.

  • What is the DigiByte coin cap?

    Circulating supply of this DigiByte is 17427200048. Total supply of this coin/token is 17427225437. Max supply is 21000000000.

  • What is the value of DigiByte coin?

    1 DigiByte is worth $0.013455.

  • To get price and historical data for DigiByte coin, use API ID: dgb-digibyte for endpoints at http://api.coinpaprika.com.

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