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Anchor Protocol

Anchor Protocol
ANCRang 1131

$0.016505   (+6.32%)
0.00000025 BTC (+1.77%)
0.00000532 ETH (+3.56%)
1 Stunde +1.78 %
24 Stunden +6.32%
Woche -13.7%
Monat +0.85%
Jahr +6.75%

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Anchor is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. The Anchor rate is powered by a diversified stream of staking rewards from major proof-of-stake blockchains, and therefore can be expected to be much more stable than money market interest rates. We believe that a stable, reliable source of yield in Anchor has the opportunity to become the reference interest rate in crypto.

Anchor Protocol [ANC] ist ein/eine Token basierend auf Ethereum blockchain. Der aktuellste Preis für einen Anchor ...

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Marktkapitalisierung Rang 1131
$5 783 122 89.00 BTC
$3.44 07 Apr 22 % to ATH (20 733.03%)
Umlaufende Versorgung
Volumen (24h) Rang 1832
350 381 852 Total: 1 000 000 000
$213 804 3.29 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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  • Börsen / Märkte 4
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