Pirate ARRR preço:

$0.210891 (-6.07%)
ETH 0.000063 (-1.68%)
BTC 0.00000218 (-4.05%)
0,197418 € 24h Range 0,222458 €

Pirate (ARRR) Metrics

Valor de mercado Classificação 575
$41,379,762.00 BTC 428.00
Todo o tempo alto
16,17 € 23 Apr 21 % to ATH (7,900.45%)
Volume (24h) Classificação 2364
$108,895.50 BTC 1.127477
Fornecimento Circulante
196,213,798 Total:196,213,798 Máx .: 200,000,000

Pirate Gráfico de preços ao vivo

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About Pirate

On 29 August 2018, several developers from the Komodo community piloted an independent asset chain with the technology offered by Komodo Platform. Pirate Chain harnesses Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) from Komodo, zero-knowledge proof (zk-SNARKs) transactions from ZCash, and the rule of enforced private-only transactions by Monero.

Whereas many other “privacy” coins have optional privacy features, Pirate (ARRR) claims to be a 100% private send cryptocurrency, as well as the first 'z transaction-only' chain. ZK-Snarks technology (zero-knowledge cryptography) is utilized to shield peer to peer transactions. The team claims that this has created the largest shielded private pool of funds of any privacy coin.

Pirate is protected from 51% attacks by utilizing Komodo’s dPoW, meaning its blocks are notarized onto both Komodo and Bitcoin blockchains. Attempts to mount a Sybil attack against Pirate would have to overcome the combined hashrates of Bitcoin, Komodo, and Pirate. This is an astronomical cost that would deter malicious actors. Pirate started with a fair launch - no ICO, premine, and 0 dev fees.

Pirate [ARRR] é um criptomoeda com sua própria blockchain.O preço mais atual por uma Pirate [ARRR] is 0,202197 €. Pirate é listada nas 6 exchanges com a soma de 18 mercados ativos. O volume de 24h [ARRR] é 104 406 €, enquanto o Pirate market cap é 39 673 799 € que o classifica como #575 sobre todas as criptomoedas. Você pode encontrar mais informações sobre Pirate [ARRR] em Pirate.black

ARRR Mercados

# Corretora Par Volume (24h) Preço Volume (%) Categoria Taxa Tipo Atualizada
1 $10 258.70$0.2118599.420000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 $85.76$0.2171700.080000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $63.28$0.2204380.060000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $11.60$0.2334400.010000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $7 434.36$0.2110326.830000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Pirate Basics

WhitepaperPirate WhitepaperAberto
Estado de desenvolvimento Working product
Org. Estrutura Decentralized
Código abertoYes
Tipo de prova Delayed Proof of Work
Algoritimo Equihash
Começado 30 August 2018
over 6 years ago
Local na rede Internet
Asset typeCoin
Explorers (3)
  • Cryptocurrency (1175)
  • Privacy & Security (265)
  • Equihash (41)
  • Proof Of Work (1001)
  • Mining (576)
  • Zero Knowledge (ZK) (38)

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