Other coins worth interest - similar to Tiny Bonez

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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 868 768 169 $1.000487 $21 695 911 291 42,847,907,327
USDC 7d price chart+0.07%
13 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 177 021 856 $98 210.90 $798 205 063 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart-2.90%
14 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $15 108 255 189 $24.10 $1 940 703 178 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart-20.00%
18 WETH WETH WETH $13 105 136 252 $3 479.95 $2 173 729 099 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-10.79%
32 Usds Usds USDS $5 274 239 521 $1.000654 $36 578 734 5,270,792,507
Usds 7d price chart+0.41%