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Swamp Coin is a PoW Masternode based crypto currency. It is designed to be mined with CPUs rather than GPUs. Utilizing the YesPower algorithm allows for a larger community to provide hashpower thus making it much affordable to mine, green and more decentralized. We aim to provide charity services globally to celan up various environments and provide homes for displaced reptiles.

Swamp Coin [SWAMP] is a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain.The most actual price for one Swamp Coin [SWAMP] is $0.002431. ...

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Market Cap Rank 3552
All Time High
$36.27 01 May 21 % to ATH (1 491 643.83%)
Circulating Supply
Volume (24h) Rank 5661
? Total: 4 540 316
$2 532.59 0.039334 BTC
Vol / M Cap (24h)
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