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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 350 648 684 $1.000360 $21 774 148 739 42,335,394,263
USDC 7d price chart+0.07%
13 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $15 604 408 465 $100 977 $843 991 024 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+0.72%
14 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $15 446 185 235 $24.64 $1 930 558 423 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart-15.13%
17 WETH WETH WETH $13 862 063 238 $3 680.95 $2 800 750 118 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart-5.94%
33 Usds Usds USDS $5 278 868 888 $1.001532 $12 219 373 5,270,792,507
Usds 7d price chart+1.29%