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# Name MarketCap Price Volume (24h) Circulating Supply 7d chart
4 Tether Tether USDT $140 589 362 835 $0.999868 $139 265 521 036 140,607,916,019
Tether 7d price chart-0.05%
8 USDC USDC USDC $42 509 153 707 $1.000114 $15 576 124 665 42,504,296,860
USDC 7d price chart+0.05%
13 Chainlink Chainlink LINK $17 000 218 520 $27.12 $1 399 174 575 626,849,970
Chainlink 7d price chart+13.95%
14 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC $16 071 187 121 $103 997 $565 074 652 154,535
Wrapped Bitcoin 7d price chart+3.83%
16 WETH WETH WETH $14 546 701 272 $3 862.75 $3 031 525 656 3,765,896
WETH 7d price chart+2.08%