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Minimals MMS цена:

ETH 0.012985 -
BTC 0.013251 -
¥0.07224h Range¥0.072

Operations on Minimals provided by CoinPaprika

Minimals (MMS) Metrics

Basic info
Исходный код
Asset type
Contract Address
Рыночная капитализация Ранг 10303
no data
Пик цены
CN¥0.00000393 27 Aug 21 % to ATH (24,833.24%)
Объем (24 ч) Ранг 10131
CN¥11.98 BTC 0.000019
Vol / M Cap (24h)
no data
Циркулирующее предложение
no data Общее количество:10,000,000,000,000 Максимум: 10,000,000,000,000

Minimals График цены в режиме реального времени

График цены

Price change:
High: CNY0.073 Low: CNY0.08191
real time price:
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Volume (24h)PricePrice BTCMarketCapPrice ETHPricePrice in BTCMarketCapVolume (24h)20. May10. Jun1. Jul3. Mar1. Apr22. Apr22. Jul2. Sep4. Nov9. Dec13. Jan3. Mar16. Dec15. Apr3. Jun8. Jul30. Sep01.5k3k4.5k6k7.5k08e-91.6e-82.4e-83.2e-84e-808e-151.6e-142.4e-143.2e-144e-14
For more data check CoinPaprika API

About Minimals

Minimals is an eco-friendly crypto-currency developed in collaboration with some of the best minds of Blockchain Technology. Traded as "MMS", our objective is to provide a reliable cryptocurrency for both who are looking for investment and for doing transactions via Crypto. Our team is already in talks with various Corporations and Governments globally to get it approved as a tender for transactions. Gateways for crypto as a tender have already been opened up.
Further to counter our carbon footprint and give back to society, we have pledged to plant 1 million trees by end of 2022 in collaboration with various NGOs, which already began while the coin was still in it's testing stage. Minimals is working towards repairing the ecosystem is an integral part of its identity. Although it is multi-faceted, we have decided to address this as one of its principals - by planting trees, for "he who plants a tree plants a hope". It is our responsibility towards our ecosystem to make efforts and harness our energy and resources to put back what we are taking away and help this world become a better place and be answerable to our future generations.

Minimals [MMS] это токен основан на Binance Coin блокчейн. Наиболее актуальная цена для Minimals [MMS] is ¥0.000000. Minimals торгуется на {Exchange Count} биржах с количеством активных рынков {Markets Count}. 24 часовой объём [MMS] это ¥11.98, в то время Minimals рыночная капитализация составляет ¥0 что оценивает его как № #10303 из всех криптовалют Вы можете найти больше информации о Minimals [MMS] на minimals.space

MMS Рынки

# Биржа Пара Объем (24 ч) Цена Количество (%) Категория Тип комиссии Обновленный
1 CN¥11.98¥0.072100.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
2 CN¥0.00¥0.081640.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Minimals Basics

API IDCoinPaprika API logo mms-minimals
Статус разработки Working product
Организационная структура Decentralized
Началo 10 July 2021
over 3 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)

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