Independent Reserve
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Independent Reserve


Independent Reserve is a cryptocurrency exchange that is based out of Sydney, Australia. Having been founded in 2013, it is one of the first crypto services to make trading available in Australia and New Zealand. The exchange operates in line with all of the laws and regulations laid out by the Australian financial services, thereby allowing for asset exchange in a completely legal and safe manner.

Independent Reserve 24sa hacim olarak 163 621 302 ₺ ve hesaplanan gerçek hacim 163 621 302 ₺ raporladı. a centralized exchange algoritmalarımıza göre 19 kripto para sunar ve 75.00% güven skoruna sahiptir.

Hacim değişimi
Toplam Hacim 163 621 302 ₺
48,21 BTC
Hesaplanan Gerçek Hacim 163 621 302 ₺
Regüle olmuş No
Tip Merkezi Borsa
Website statüsüSon kontrol 1 minute ago
API StatüsüSon kontrol 1 minute ago
Güvenlik Koruması
ddos shield
Merkez LokasyonuSydney, Australia

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Hacime göre Likiditeye göre
Arama kriterlerine uyan sonuç yok
* fiyat/hacim hariç tutulan -aykırılık tespiti
*** Borsa API'sinden yeni gelen datalar dahil olmayan hacim