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Dex-Trade is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2017 and registered in Belize. This is a modern space for safe and comfortable trading with minimal commissions. Dex-Trade is a universal exchange for both beginners and professional traders. The minimum spread and high liquidity in order books allow you to trade efficiently with orders of any volume. Along with global opportunities, the exchange also provides a demo trading mode for risk-free testing of your trading strategies. Our dedicated support team is online 24/7 to assist you ...

Hacim değişimi
Toplam Hacim 11 317 364 773 ₺
3 110,20 BTC
Hesaplanan Gerçek Hacim 11 082 959 514 ₺
Regüle olmuş No
Tip Merkezi Borsa
Website statüsüSon kontrol 2 minutes ago
API StatüsüSon kontrol 2 minutes ago
Güvenlik Koruması
ddos shield

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Hacime göre Likiditeye göre
Arama kriterlerine uyan sonuç yok
* fiyat/hacim hariç tutulan -aykırılık tespiti
*** Borsa API'sinden yeni gelen datalar dahil olmayan hacim