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Caramel Swap

Caramel Swap
MELSıralama 10619

0,000709 ₺   (-4.37%)
0.00000000 BTC (-0.88%)
0.00000001 ETH (+0.76%)
1 saat +0.2 %
24 saat -4.37%
Hafta -13.45%
Ay -18.53%
Yıldızlar +%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

CaramelSwap - No presale, No ico ! FAIR LAUNCH !
CaramelSwap is a whole new Decentralized Exchange on Binance smart chain as known as 3° Generation yield farming mechanism that allows perpetual price increase with a sustainable and profitable farming.
Hold $MEL to access the Pools with the highest APR. This new modality of Farm allows the biggest incentives to have bigger gains.
Mel Required and other features make MEL 100% sustainable!

Caramel Swap [MEL] idir üzerine jeton Binance Coin blokzincir. Biri için en ...

Asset Type token
Contract Address
MCap'ten Benzer Madeni ParalarCUTE TIGERCUTE TIGERAseancoinAseancoinFinancioFinancio
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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 10619
En Yüksek Zaman
13,23 ₺ 10 Jun 21 % to ATH (1 866 634.07%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 10422
34,79 ₺ 0,000018 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
  • Genel bakış
  • Borsalar / Pazarlar 1
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