Spectre SPCTR fiyat:

$0.00000041 (+0.02%)
ETH 0.00000000 (+4.01%)
BTC 0.00000000 (+0.77%)
0,000015 ₺ 24h Range 0,000015 ₺

Spectre (SPCTR) Metrics

Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 5545
no data
En Yüksek Zaman
0,000098 ₺ 14 Oct 24 % to ATH (569.20%)
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 2221
$134,335.46 BTC 1.39
Dolaşımdaki Adet
no data Toplam:92,849,245,000 maximum: 100,000,000,000

Spectre Canlı fiyat listesi

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About Spectre

Spectre ($SPCTR) is a politically themed cryptocurrency that operates as a "coin of power," symbolizing invisible influence in global politics. It thrives on political chaos and unpredictability, positioning itself as a tool for participating in global political discourse, creating digital campaigns, and influencing events across borders. Spectre has a total supply of 100 billion tokens, with a 2% sell tax. It aims to empower individuals by leveraging political shifts, and its value is driven by major global events, hype, and market sentiment.

Spectre [SPCTR] idir üzerine jeton Ethereum blokzincir. Biri için en gerçek fiyat Spectre [SPCTR] is 0,000015 ₺. Spectre 1 borsada 1 aktif işlem çifti ile listelenmiş. 24sa hacim [SPCTR] dir 4 727 761 ₺, bu arada Spectre market değeri 0 ₺ hangi sırada #5545 bütün kripto paraların Spectre [SPCTR] hakkında daha fazla bilgi bulabilirsiniz spectre.quest

SPCTR Pazarlar

# Market çift hacim (24 saat) fiyat hacim (yüzde) Kategori Masraf Tipi güncellenmiş
1 $134 788.52$0.00000042100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Spectre Basics

Geliştirme statüsü Only token
Organizasyon yapısı Semi-centralized
Konsensus Mekanizması Not mineable
algoritma None
başlamış 30 September 2024
2 months ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11632)

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