Little Angry Bunny v2 LABV2 fiyat:

$0.00000000 -
ETH 0.00000000 -
BTC 0.00000000 -
0,000000 ₺ 24h Range 0,000000 ₺

Little Angry Bunny v2 (LABV2) Metrics

Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 10261
no data
En Yüksek Zaman
0,000000 ₺ 29 Nov 21 % to ATH (477,633.33%)
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 10181
$0.341906 BTC 0.00000358
Dolaşımdaki Adet
no data maximum: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

Little Angry Bunny v2 Canlı fiyat listesi

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About Little Angry Bunny v2

Little Angry Bunny v2 is token under Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20). There is no main owner of the LAB v2 token. It is purely community driven token which run by all the volunteer admins,moderators, and the community with wise has tokenomics of 4 % burn and 7 % redistributions of tokens to the holders on each transactions. LAB v2 has multiple use cases like charity, swap, gamae nft market place, Ecommerce website etc

Little Angry Bunny v2 [LABV2] idir üzerine jeton Binance Coin blokzincir. Biri için en gerçek fiyat Little Angry Bunny v2 [LABV2] is 0,000000 ₺. Little Angry Bunny v2 1 borsada 3 aktif işlem çifti ile listelenmiş. 24sa hacim [LABV2] dir 11,99 ₺, bu arada Little Angry Bunny v2 market değeri 0 ₺ hangi sırada #10261 bütün kripto paraların Little Angry Bunny v2 [LABV2] hakkında daha fazla bilgi bulabilirsiniz

LABV2 Pazarlar

# Market çift hacim (24 saat) fiyat hacim (yüzde) Kategori Masraf Tipi güncellenmiş
1 $0.258136$0.0000000075.420000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $0.055791$0.0000000016.300000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $0.028335$0.000000008.280000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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Little Angry Bunny v2 Basics

Beyaz kağıtLittle Angry Bunny v2 WhitepaperA
Geliştirme statüsü On-going development
Konsensus Mekanizması Not mineable
algoritma None
Donanım Cüzdanı Yes
başlamış 16 July 2021
over 3 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Binance Coin (BNB) Token (BEP-20) (12902)

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