Keith Gill GILL fiyat:

$0.000101 (+3.94%)
ETH 0.00000003 (+8.18%)
BTC 0.00000000 (+5.11%)
0,003277 ₺ 24h Range 0,003729 ₺

Keith Gill (GILL) Metrics

Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 6031
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0,051788 ₺ 07 Jun 24 % to ATH (1,368.91%)
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 5933
$1,196.23 BTC 0.011333
Dolaşımdaki Adet
no data Toplam:999,933,303

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About Keith Gill

This is a meme token inspired by and interacting with Keith Gill, a legend of many investors.
It will raise Keith Gill's profile and support his influence.
And $GILL is inspired by him to success.
“Keith Gill began his activity as an individual investor by launching a YouTube channel under the name "Roaring Kitty" and posting on the Reddit community "WallStreetBets" under the handle "DeepFuckingValue." His main focus was on analyzing individual stocks and sharing investment strategies, particularly highlighting GameStop (GME). Around 2019, Gill believed that GameStop was undervalued in the market and bought a substantial amount of its stock. In January 2021,his investment reaching millions of dollars. His presence continues to influence many investors and markets.

Keith Gill [GILL] idir üzerine jeton Solana blokzincir. Biri için en gerçek fiyat Keith Gill [GILL] is 0,003526 ₺. Keith Gill 1 borsada 1 aktif işlem çifti ile listelenmiş. 24sa hacim [GILL] dir 41 881,84 ₺, bu arada Keith Gill market değeri 0 ₺ hangi sırada #6031 bütün kripto paraların Keith Gill [GILL] hakkında daha fazla bilgi bulabilirsiniz

GILL Pazarlar

# Market çift hacim (24 saat) fiyat hacim (yüzde) Kategori Masraf Tipi güncellenmiş
1 $1 196.23$0.000101100.000000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Keith Gill Basics

Asset typeToken
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Explorers (1)
  • Solana (SOL) Token (4229)

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