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CGCXSıralama 1893

1,22 ₺   (+0.01%)
0.00000058 BTC (-0.19%)
0.000012 ETH (-0.07%)
1 saat -0.09 %
24 saat +0.01%
Hafta -0.86%
Ay -0.58%
Yıldızlar -15.05%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika

Satın alma

CGCX Exchange Token: CGCX token is an integral part of our exchange and finds extensive utility value inside our ecosystem. Exchange platform users get 50% discounts on fees on our platform while paying with CGCX tokens. In the next phase, they can be used as a medium of exchange in our platform for Merchant transactions and Smart Contract Applications. They can also be used to vote in the Alt Token listing module to be launched very soon. With the ever-expanding ...

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Piyasa Değeri Sıralama 1893
En Yüksek Zaman
1 535 857 678 ₺ 734.00 BTC
16,12 ₺ 30 Nov 22 % to ATH (1 221.87%)
Dolaşımdaki Adet
hacim (24 saat) Sıralama 6190
1 259 508 576 (63.00%) Toplam: 1 259 508 576maximum: 2 000 000 000
30 485,26 ₺ 0,014575 BTC
hacim /M cap (24 saat)
  • Genel bakış
  • Borsalar / Pazarlar 1
  • Portföy
  • Benzer dijital paralar
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  • Araç
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