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ZKBRanking 894

0,145818 zł   (-4.75%)
0.00000067 BTC (-0.64%)
0.000013 ETH (+2.25%)
1h +0.81 %
24h -4.75%
Tydzień -7.39%
Miesiąc -19.65%
Rok -18.7%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


The all-new ZKBase platform consists of three main parts: ZKSwap, the innovative Layer 2 AMM DEX utilizing ZK-Rollups technology, payment service ZKSquare, and an NFT minting center and marketplace called ZKSea. With an all-new-look user interface, NFT support, unlimited token listing, smoother withdrawal, optimized efficiency, and multi-chain support, ZKSpace aims to implement EVM-compatible ZK-Rollups and bring the community more layer 2-based products in the near future.

ZKBase [ZKB] jest kryptowaluta z własnym blockchainem.Najbardziej aktualna cena dla ZKBase [ZKB] is 0,145818 zł. ...

Adres strony: zks.org
Kod źródłowy: github.com
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