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HYDRARanking 911

1,53 zł   (-4.06%)
0.00000715 BTC (+3.05%)
0.000135 ETH (+6.66%)
1h -0.03 %
24h -4.06%
Tydzień -7.38%
Miesiąc -33.38%
Rok -63.42%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


Back in 2018, the team behind LockTrip has published a document labeled “LockTrip Blockchain Manifest” which has become the fundamental design document of the Hydra Chain. The document was based on actual hurdles that were encountered as part of the development of the LockTrip DaPP.

As a strategy to come up with the best solution, the team has undertaken an evolutionary approach where it built Hydra on top of available open source technology, that has gone through the test of time ...

Adres strony: hydrachain.org
Kod źródłowy: github.com
Social (followers): @hydra_chain (9 460)
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Kapitalizacja rynku Ranking 911
All Time High
30 535 139 zł 143.00 BTC
207,04 zł 03 Apr 21 % to ATH (13 429.16%)
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Wolumen (24h) Ranking 1357
19 953 054 Total: 32 236 652
1 556 388 zł 7,27 BTC
Wolumen / Kap. rynkowa (24h)
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  • Giełdy / Markety 4
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