TUSD Users Data Gets Leaked; Truecoin Sounds Alarm

TUSD Users Data Gets Leaked; Truecoin Sounds Alarm

StablecoinCrypto Firm

By Miles

17 Oct 2023 (8 months ago)

1 min read


TrueUSD warns of a data leak risk. TrueCoin, who manages TUSD, says their own system is safe but warns users to be cautious. Funds with TUSD remain secure.

TrueUSD (TUSD), a popular stablecoin, warned of a possible leak of some customer details. This happened after a company working with TrueCoin, the company in charge  of TUSD, faced a security issue. 

However, TrueCoin's own systems were safe. They said the problem was only with this other company. TrueUSD made it clear on their X (like Twitter) page: "TUSD system is SECURE. All our reserves are SAFE."

When such leaks happen, bad people can use the stolen details to trick others. They pretend to be real crypto services and promise to make you rich quickly.

It's not known how many users had their data exposed. TrueCoin didn’t say the exact number during their announcement.

Lastly, there were problems at a company named Prime Trust which stopped all its crypto activities. But TrueUSD said they are not connected to this issue. They said: “All your funds are safe with TUSD.” 

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