Massive Crypto Heist: Jimbos Protocol Loses $7.5M in DeFi Breach, Sending Shockwaves Through the Industry!

Massive Crypto Heist: Jimbos Protocol Loses $7.5M in DeFi Breach, Sending Shockwaves Through the Industry!


By Miles

28 May 2023 (about 1 year ago)

2 min read


Jimbos Protocol, a decentralized finance (DeFi) service, recently suffered a significant hack, losing 4,000 Ether (approximately $7.5 million), leading to a 40% drop in its token value amid ongoing security challenges in the DeFi sector.

Jimbos Protocol, a decentralized finance (DeFi) service, recently suffered a significant hack, losing 4,000 Ether (approximately $7.5 million), leading to a 40% drop in its token value amid ongoing security challenges in the DeFi sector.

In the latest incident of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol breaches in the crypto sector, Jimbos Protocol has suffered a significant attack, losing considerable funds. Blockchain security firm PeckShield reports that the liquidity protocol of the Arbitrum system lost 4,000 Ether, approximately $7.5 million, on May 28 due to an exploitation of a loophole in liquidity conversions.

Jimbos Protocol, launched just under three weeks ago, intended to manage liquidity and token price volatility using a new testing approach. However, an underdeveloped mechanism led to a logical vulnerability, allowing the attackers to profit. Consequently, the protocol's token, Jimbo (JIMBO), dropped by 40% in value.

PeckShield indicates the hackers extracted 4,090 ETH from the Arbitrum network, then used the Stargate bridge and the Celer Network to transfer roughly 4,048 ETH off the Ethereum network.

Hacks targeting DeFi protocols remain a significant concern in the crypto market. Although such attacks have reportedly declined, the community still faces numerous exploitations. DeFi struggles with the persistent issue of fortifying against potential security breaches, as demonstrated by the recent 0VIX protocol flash loan attack, which led to nearly $2 million in losses, and the Tornado Cash hijacking, resulting in significant losses of TORN tokens.

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