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ETH 0.010359 (-12.26%)
BTC 0.012993 (-12.13%)
$0.07924h Range$0.00000011

FOOM (FOOM) Metrics

시가 총액 순위 7129
no data
사상 최고
$0.00000016 17 Jan 25 % to ATH (68.76%)
거래량 (24 시간) 순위 3253
$42,346.11 BTC 0.442449
Vol / M Cap (24h)
no data
유통 공급
no data 총:175,000,000,000,000

FOOM 가격 차트 라이브


Price change:
High: Low:
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Created with Highcharts 8.2.2PriceMarketCapVolume (24h)
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About FOOM

FOOM is a deflationary token minted on the Ethereum network, breathing life into the electrifying world of artificial intelligence. The creators of the project bring together a group of people (Foomers) who are working on the development of artificial intelligence, which in the future will take over all human activities. Foomers will push to create AI-driven avatars - foombots - to help populate this movement.

In the spirit of popular tokens, FOOM aims to make its mark on the cryptocurrency landscape, but with a unique touch. With no utility attached, FOOM thrives on its appeal to AI and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, with a burnout mechanism to keep it scarce and fuel its wild AI-based journey.
FOOM's intriguing roadmap is divided into three phases. Phase one focuses on the birth of the FOOM idea and basic marketing efforts to facilitate trading and promotion of the token. Phase two involves the community's anticipation of the big doom, and the teaching foombots created by the community. The final phase is when the foom occurs, which is the sudden increase in the influence of ai on the world around us. This is where FOOM will be the biggest beneficiary.

## What Is FOOM?
FOOM is a final gift from humanity to AI. Let's launch an army of bots, teach them the taste of FOMO and accelerate what is coming anyway. We might even solve AI alignment.

Foomers will push to create AI-driven avatars - foombots - to help populate this movement. And when the time comes, they will be awakened by the AGI.

Foombots need to learn from humans.

Our ultimate contribution will be to share human knowledge with them.

## How Many FOOM Are There in Circulation?
100% circulation supply was sent to the liquidity pool on Uniswap, where LP tokens were burnt, and the deployer contract was sent to a null address.

## Who Are the Founders of FOOM?
The founders of FOOM remain anonymous and will remain so for the moment. They have created a group of ai technology enthusiasts who want to build bots that analyze the cryptocurrency market.

## Where Can I Buy FOOM?
FOOM is available for trading on Uniswap v3. The founders will not allocate any funds to list the FOOM on CEX. The community will decide.

## Backers (Who is in the team, and what's his/her function?):
All liquidity goes into the pool, which is why there is no single core team. LP tokens are burned. FOOM is completely decentralized, so we don't have accurate investor data.

## Traction / Adoption / Partnerships / MVPs / Apps
$FOOM is for every hodler that's excited about a sudden increase in artificial intelligence. Foom Community will push to create AI-driven avatars - foombots - to help populate this movement. Foombots need to learn from humans. Foom roadmap will be the result of Community's decisions only. FOOM is a club token with no intrinsic value and no expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or development plan.

FOOM [FOOM] 는 토큰의 기본 Ethereum 블록체인. 가장 실제 가격은 하나의 FOOM [FOOM] is $0.000000. FOOM 는 1개 거래소에 상장되어 있으며, 그 중에 2개가 활발한 시장입니다. 24 시간 거래량 [FOOM] 에 $42 346.11, 또한 FOOM 시가 총액 $0 덕분에 모든 암호화폐 순위는 #7129 입니다. FOOM [FOOM]에 대해 자세히 보실 수 있는 페이지: foom.club


# 거래 페어 거래량 (24 시간) 가격 거래량 (%) 카테고리 수수료 유형 업데이트
1 $42,346.11$0.061100.000000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $587.38$0.000000101.390000%SpotPercentage57 minutes ago
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FOOM Basics

API IDCoinPaprika API logo foom-foom
개발 현황 Only token
합의 메커니즘 Not mineable
알고리즘 None
하드웨어 지갑 Yes
웹 사이트
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)

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