Skey Network SKEY 価格:

$0.094756 (+0.15%)
ETH 0.000025 (+4.33%)
BTC 0.00000091 (+3.25%)
$0.092497 24h Range $0.098546

Skey Network (SKEY) Metrics

マーケットキャップ ランク 423
$94,756,088.00 BTC 911.00
$0.552629 19 Mar 21 % to ATH (483.42%)
ボリューム(24h) ランク 1342
$612,120.34 BTC 5.89
1,000,000,000 総計:927,260,467

Skey Network 価格表ライブ


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About Skey Network

Skey is the world’s first platform to successfully bridge decentralized finance (DeFi) and IoT, and will create the platform for a new economy of physical assets called the ‘Blockchain of Things’ (BoT). Our decentralized network of blockchain oracles connects the on-chain world of digital assets, smart contracts, and DeFi with off-chain data, services, and devices.

The non-fungibility (i.e. uniqueness) property of Skey NFTs is also a game-changer when applied to IoT. Using a SmartKey NFT, every smart object in a network can have its own unique token providing proof of ownership. Cars, keys, doors, gates, and locker systems can all have their own unique token — boosted with the SmartKey NFT functionalities.

Skey will be the connective tissue for the smart cities of the future, and will provide the universal platform on which partners, companies, and individuals can build their own applications.

Skey Network [SKEY] は トークンベース Ethereum ブロックチェーン. 最も現実的な価格 Skey Network [SKEY] is $0.094756. Skey Network 活性化された市場6と共に5取引所に上場しています。 24時間容量の [SKEY] は $612 120, ながら Skey Network マーケットキャップは $94 756 088 #423としてランク付けする 全ての仮想通貨 Skey Network [SKEY] にてより多くの情報を見つけられます

SKEY マーケット

# 取引所 ペア ボリューム(24h) 価格 ボリューム(%) カテゴリー 手数料タイプ アップデート
1 $455 373.22$0.09490074.390000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $61 823.47$0.09465210.100000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $57 185.46$0.0949269.340000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
4 $8.04$0.0924430.001000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
5 $31 914.23$0.0929525.210000%SpotPercentage1 minute ago
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Skey Network Basics

백서Skey Network Whitepaper開く
開発ステータス Working product
Org. 構造 Semi-centralized
コンセンサス・メカニズム Not mineable
アルゴリズム None
ハードウェア・ウォレット Yes
開始 15 December 2020
over 4 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)
  • Ethereum (ETH) Token (ERC-20) (11580)
  • DeFi (329)
  • Business Services (36)
  • Smart Contracts (508)



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