Curve Finance Hacker Begins Returning Stolen Funds

Curve Finance Hacker Begins Returning Stolen Funds

By Miles

04 Aug 2023 (about 1 year ago)

2 min read


Hacker returns $8.9M of $61M stolen in July Curve Finance attack, claims to avoid 'ruining' the projects involved.

The hacker behind the $61 million attack on Curve Finance in July has returned around $8.9 million to the Alchemix Finance team and a small amount to the Curve Finance team. The attack had targeted specific pools of crypto assets, one of which was operated by Alchemix Finance.

On July 30, Curve Finance suffered an attack due to a software bug, leading to the loss of over $61 million in crypto. The affected pools were Alchemix's alETH-ETH, JPEG’d's pETH-ETH, and Metronome's sETH-ETH. Especially, the JPEG’d pool was exploited by a bot, redirecting the stolen funds to itself. The affected pools stopped all rewards on August 2.

Initial estimates placed the total loss at $47 million, but it was later revised to $61.7 million

The attacker, on August 4, posted a message on the Ethereum network claiming they would return the stolen funds to not "ruin" the affected projects. Later, they returned a fraction of the stolen funds, totaling around $8.9 million, which is 15% of the total stolen amount.

The bot that exploited the JPEG’d pool might also return funds. It posted a message suggesting it was attempting to negotiate with the developers. However, no funds have been returned from the bot to the developers yet.

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