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DYDXपद 153

$1.31   (+5.61%)
0.000023 BTC (+3.49%)
0.000429 ETH (+3.52%)
1 घंटे +0.4 %
24h +5.61%
सप्ताह -3.53%
महीना -39.6%
साल -30.27%

Operations on Bitcoin provided by Coinpaprika


With an industry-leading product and a strong trajectory of organic growth, the dYdX Layer 2 protocol is ready for the next phase of its evolution — handing over control to the community through the launch of DYDX.

DYDX is a governance token that allows the dYdX Protocol's community to truly own & govern the dYdX Layer 2 protocol. By enabling shared control, DYDX aligns incentives between traders, liquidity providers, and partners of the Layer 2 protocol.

DYDX enables a robust ecosystem ...

वेबसाइट: dydx.foundation
स्रोत कोड: github.com
विचार-विमर्श dydx.foundation , discord.com
सामाजिक @dydxfoundation
Asset Type token
Contract Address
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