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समाचार पत्रिका

FEG FEG कीमत:

ETH 0.013385 (-40.31%)
BTC 0.014104 (-41.12%)
$0.09124h Range$0.09174

Operations on FEG provided by CoinPaprika

FEG (FEG) Metrics

बाज़ार आकार पद 8288
no data
सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
$0.000610 31 Mar 23 % to ATH (611,725,795.73%)
मात्रा (24h) पद 7454
$204.35 BTC 0.002140
Vol / M Cap (24h)
no data
परिसंचारी आपूर्ति
no data

FEG मूल्य चार्ट लाइव

मूल्य चार्ट

Price change:
High: USD0.08527 Low: USD0.01087
real time price:
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Volume (24h)PricePrice BTCMarketCapPrice ETHPricePrice in BTCPrice ETHMarketCapVolume (24h)6. May23. Sep10. Feb26. Feb1. Apr10. Jun15. Jul19. Aug28. Oct2. Dec6. Jan10. Feb1. Apr3. Jun5. Aug7. Oct9. Dec08k16k24k32k40k02.5e-105e-107.5e-101e-91.25e-905e-151e-141.5e-142e-142.5e-14
For more data check CoinPaprika API

About FEG

The main idea behind FEG is to provide a decentralized transaction network which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The path forward for FEG is determined by market fluctuations, but the model it runs on begs FEG to succeed.

FEG is a deflationary token with a max circulating supply of 100 Quadrillion. On each transaction, a tax of 1% will be distributed to the holders and a further 1% will be burnt, hence incentivizing holders to hodl and decreasing the supply overtime. As the supply decreases, the scarcity of the token increases. This inversely-proportional relationship constitutes a supply and demand model. Furthermore, there is no limit as to how many tokens can be burnt. Without a burning limit you know what happens next.

Today/tomorrow we will release our iOS and Android tracker app, to track rewards from holding. Own DEX called FegEx will be released within the next days

FEG [FEG] एक है के आधार पर टोकन Ethereum ब्लॉकचेन. एक के लिए सबसे अधिक वास्तविक कीमत FEG [FEG] is $0.000000. FEG सक्रिय बाजारों के 10 योग के साथ 2 एक्सचेंजों पर सूचीबद्ध है। 24 घंटे की मात्रा [FEG] है $204.35, जबकि FEG बाज़ार आकार है $0 जो इसे #8288 के रूप में रैंक करता है सभी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी का। आप FEG [FEG] के बारे में और जानकारी पा सकते हैं fegtoken.com

FEG बाजार

# विनिमय जोड़ा मात्रा (24h) कीमत मात्रा (%) वर्ग शुल्क प्रकार अपडेट किया गया
1 $187.91$0.0109191.960000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
2 $9.77$0.091984.780000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
3 $3.57$0.0921.750000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
4 $2.63$0.0921.290000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
5 $0.307987$0.091990.150000%SpotPercentage2 minutes ago
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FEG Basics

API IDCoinPaprika API logo feg-feg
विकास की स्थिति Beta version
खुला स्त्रोतYes
आम सहमति तंत्र Not mineable
कलन विधि None
शुरू कर दिया है 1 February 2021
over 4 years ago
WalletCoins Mobile App
Asset typeToken
Contract Address
Explorers (1)

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