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True financial interoperability requires a price stable means of value exchange. CENTRE’s technology for fiat-backed stablecoins brings stability to crypto. The initial implementation is USD//Coin (USDC), an ERC-20 token creating possibilities in payments, lending, investing, trading and trade finance — and the ecosystem will grow as other fiat currency tokens are added.

As more goods and services are tokenized, smart contract platforms will become fundamental building blocks of value exchange. CENTRE’s open-source and transparent stablecoin framework allows fiat to interact with ...

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बाज़ार आकार पद 6
सबसे उच्च स्तर पर
$33 541 939 666 527 645.00 BTC
$1.91 11 Oct 18 % to ATH (90.35%)
परिसंचारी आपूर्ति
मात्रा (24h) पद 6
33 495 144 662 कुल: 33 505 085 372
$3 217 990 722 50 621.86 BTC
मात्रा / एम कैप (24 ह)
  • अवलोकन
  • आदान-प्रदान / बाजार 47
  • पोर्टफोलियो
  • इसी तरह के Coins
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    हम Wyre विजेट नहीं खोल सके। कृपया बाद में पुनः प्रयास करें या कोई अन्य प्रदाता चुनें