Event date 26 February 2020
Event description

"On February 26th, 16 million HPB coins were burned from the HPB Foundation accounts based on community consensus."

Proof link: https://coinmarketcal.com/event/burn-31383

Proof link preview: Burn image

Past Events

Date Event description
30 October 2020 over 3 years ago AMA
11 October 2020 over 3 years ago Monthly Progress Report
07 September 2020 over 3 years ago Progress Report
31 August 2020 over 3 years ago GoToken Community Governance-Testing and Acceptance of the multi-signature voti
15 August 2020 over 3 years ago The top 5 Dapp game "Coin Voyage" will be live on HPB Wallet.
15 August 2020 over 3 years ago Maintenance and Optimization of HPB MainNet
10 August 2020 over 3 years ago Who made the "first blockchain solution combining built-in software and hardware
10 August 2020 over 3 years ago HPB Staking Rewards Program II is coming
10 August 2020 over 3 years ago HPB Staking Rewards Program II is coming, with the annual rate of return increas
10 August 2020 over 3 years ago HPB listed on WBF Exchange!
13 July 2020 over 4 years ago HPB MainNet V1.0.6.5 was launched!
26 April 2020 over 4 years ago HUAWEI Developer launches HPB Blockchain Advanced Cryptography Course
28 February 2020 over 4 years ago Monthly Report
26 February 2020 over 4 years ago Burn
22 February 2020 over 4 years ago Burn Poll Ends
31 December 2019 over 4 years ago V2.0 Launch
30 September 2019 over 4 years ago HBPLand Launch
29 August 2019 over 4 years ago Seoul Meetup
09 August 2019 over 4 years ago HPBLand Auction
18 July 2019 over 5 years ago Korea Meetup

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